Season 1

Season 1: France

Our episodes air on Instagram every Sunday at 7pm. Be sure to check them out. Don't forget to like and subscribe on Youtube. 

Season 1 is all about France. We will be celebrating some of the very best things about France, including the language, culture, food and cities. The themes for the Season 1 episodes are based on the following French phrases:

“Grands Rêves” is the concept for the Dreams theme. It simply means “Big Dreams”. Don’t ever stop chasing your dreams.

“Dieu Merci…Toujours…” is a form of reverence that embodies the theme of Faith and means “Thank God… Always…”

“ROI/REINE” is the concept for the Status line of Season 1. It literally translates as “KING/QUEEN”. How we view ourselves if often a complicated subject, but we believe you should hold yourself in the highest esteem. You are a King/Queen.